Ferien 5–117 years
Th, 6. February 2025 10:30

Experimentallabor surreal

Utopia - Intergenerational

Past event

Children lying on a raffia rug on the floor and painting their dreams on cushion covers.
dream.lab Workshop with Rivane Neuenschwander (2023) | Species of Spaces and Other Pieces (2023) | © Max Kropitz


Please note:
This workshop takes place both at 10.30am-1.00pm and at 1.30-3.00pm. Please click on “Book tickets” and select the desired time slot in the webshop.

A Dream Laboratory for the whole Family
How do children sleep in different regions of the world? How do children sleep in St. Pölten? How big is your bed, where is it and how do you lie when you fall asleep? What rituals help you to fall asleep well?

For example, you can read a book or make the bed cozy. This requires blankets and pillows to rest on. Relax and tell each other your own dreams and draw them on your pillowcases.

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